
Sunday, 24 January 2016


Hi guys, it seems like forever since I posted in here, I am slightly annoyed about this but I have forgiven me and hope you can too.

Anyways, as you can probably guess, I've been busy. And not the good kind. I have been busy thinking about what I am going to do for the rest of my life and I haven't really 100% decided. But it is going to be something to do with music....Music?!?!? Yes music. I currently have a vocal coach and I love it, it's going great, this is the first time in years I have been excited about something I'm pursuing.

Anyways other than that I was crazy busy with work doing 60 hour weeks and getting paid basically nothing. However a lot of stuff happened with that company and I chose to leave. (Personal opinion don't  visit or go to eds Easy Diner, it's cheap food and it really isn't good for you). Now I know people might think I sound a bit bitter but I am honestly not, I have worked at several different places over the years and would gladly go back to every single one of them as they're still all lovely people and lovely companies to work for. However eds is the only place where I would not go back to, it's just not a nice place and I am ashamed to have worked in the Cambridge branch (I will point out that this is just the Cambridge branch, the other diners around the UK aren't as bad as Cambridge as it's the lowest scoring diner out of the entire company). If you don't believe me please check trip adviser before you visit.

Anyways moving on.....

Due to my hectic schedule and birthdays + St Nick coming down the chimney. I kinda forgot to blog and my eating habits have strayed from the original plan. However after this post I am going to hopefully be posting every other day, and this will co inside with my YouTube channel.

YouTube, I have started a vlog as well as this blog. Mainly so I can eventually upload covers of songs but my confidence isn't quite there yet so I am going to be building up to it, maybe on my 10th video or something.

Who would've thought that I was shy?! Not me.

At the moment all I have on my channel is a quick fast paced (ish) video on Kylie Jenner's make up from the Golden Globes (leaving the link at the end of the blog). I do have another video ready, but I am tempted to do it differently. I can't make my mind up.

I am also looking for a personal trainer as I need one, mainly because if I ever workout when I get tired I just stop and give up, so I need someone that can push me past my limits.

Oh one more thing (couple of things). I went to a gig for my birthday present from my sister. COUNTERFEIT. They're amazing. My favorite band at the moment. The support act DEAD were also amazing and are at Download Festival this year, so guess where I am going.....

Anyways I am excited. I'll try to blog/vlog tomorrow but I have got a family thing and it might be a bit hard to, so I might upload my next video, I don't know.

Kylie Jenner Golden Globe MakeUp

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